
Boston is a city that has always been at the forefront of innovation, and its food scene is no exception. Over the decades, Boston's cuisine has evolved and transformed into something truly unique and exciting. As a resident of this great city, I have had the pleasure of experiencing firsthand the evolution of Boston's food scene, both good and bad.

In the 1960s through until the late 1970s, Boston was known for its traditional New England cuisine, which consisted mainly of seafood, baked beans, and chowder. Thos are just some of the things I grew up eating at my grandparent's home. However, in the 1980s and 1990s, Boston began to embrace international flavors with open arms. Restaurants like Oleana started to pop up in Cambridge, bringing Middle Eastern cuisine to the forefront of Boston's culinary scene.

The early 2000s saw a rise in farm-to-table dining as chefs became more mindful of where their ingredients came from. This movement gave birth to some iconic restaurants like Craigie on Main and Harvest that continue to thrive today.

In more recent years, we've seen an explosion in veganism and plant-based diets across the country. And Boston has been quick to adapt with plant-based restaurants like sweetgreen or Veggie Galaxy (in Cambridge) are popping up all over.

One thing that remains constant throughout all these changes is our love for seafood. Whether it's freshly shucked oysters or a classic lobster roll with buttery buns – seafood will always be an integral part of Boston's cuisine.

But it's not just about what we eat – it's also about how we eat. In recent years, communal dining has become increasingly popular in Boston as restaurants opt for large communal tables instead of traditional seating arrangements.

Overall, the evolution of Boston's cuisine has been an exciting journey filled with new flavors and innovative techniques. From traditional New England fare to Middle Eastern delicacies to modern-day veganism – Boston's food scene continues to surprise us all with its diversity and creativity.

So if you're a foodie looking for something new and exciting, come to Boston and experience the deliciousness that this city has to offer.